St Thomas' Church Of England Primary School

St Thomas' Church Of England Primary School

School re-opens on Monday 3rd June at 8.45pm***Have a lovely holiday!

St Thomas' Road, Lytham St. Annes, Lancashire, FY8 1JN

01253 722022

Year 2

Teacher: Miss Warburton
Teaching Assistants: Mrs Kelly & Mrs Riley

Our Gospel Value is: Thankfulness


Pupil Leaders: 

Our School Councillors: Emily & Thomas

Our Eco Warriors: Dexter & Isla

Our SHINE Councillors: Benjamin & Kenna-Jae

 Our link Governor: Sarah Sumner


Helpful Information:

  • Reading books will be changed on a Friday

  • Reading records are needed in school every day

  • Library book changing day is Friday

  • PE days are Monday and Friday - come in PE kits ready for these lessons. Please note that jewellery and accessories (e.g. watches, hair bows) must not be worn on a PE day due to safety reasons.

  • Spelling test weekly on Friday

  • Homework is given out every Friday to be completed and returned by the following Thursday

  • Log-ons for Times Tables Rock Stars and Nessy are on the front of your child's reading record

  • Healthy snacks - if your child does not have morning toast, they may bring in a healthy snack 

  • Water bottles - children will need a water bottle in school each day. This must contain water - no juice or flavoured water. Please make sure water bottles are clearly named and are returned daily after washing.

Looking ahead:

  • Year 2 will be visiting Church on Monday 17th June as part of 'Experience Church' run by Elizabeth and Joy. This will be an inciteful opportunity for us to learn more about the parts of the church and the symbolism found within it, all linking to our RE learning.
  • KS1 Sports Day will be held on Tuesday 18th June 9:30-11am (weather permitting!).
  • Year 2 will be taking their End of Key Stage 1 Assessments throughout June. We have been preparing for these in class and will have had three practises prior to the assessments in June. I have put a link to the information from the End of KS1 Assessment Parents Meeting below. If you have any questions about this, please do not hesitate to ask.
  • Parents and carers are invited to join Year 2 in class for Wonderful Wednesday on 3rd July 2:30-3:15pm. Each child may have one parent/carer to come and join in with our learning and to see the wonderful things we get up to in Year 2. We look forward to seeing you then!  


Summer Term message from Miss Warburton: 

Welcome back to Year 2 after Easter half term! I hope you all had a lovely break celebrating this wonderful time of year. I am really looking forward to Summer half term, as the sun begins to shine and the birds begin to sing their songs. We will be busy doing lots of new learning, including with visitors and parents too.  Our main learning theme will be 'Magnificent Monarchs' with a focus on History learning. In July, we will even have a special visit from Mr Worrell to help us with our learning all about monarchs - how exciting!

Throughout our maths learning journey in Year 2, it is essential that we become confident with the times tables. Can you count in 2s, 5s and 10s? We are working on practising times tables by saying "One 2 is 2, two 2s are 4, three 2s are 6" and so on... An extra challenge is to start to remember the 3s times tables. Fractions will be one of our focuses this half term so your times tables will be very useful here too. Towards the end of the term, we will be learning all about time. I wonder if you can begin reading an analogue clock in 15 minute increments? That would give you an impressive head start with our learning!

Please take a look at the fridge words linked below. These words are based on the vocabulary we are exploring within our topic and science lessons. Can you learn some of these Wow words?

I have also put a link to the Year 1 and Year 2 Common Exception Words below. These are words that all children are expected to be able to spell by the end of Year 2. It is important that we practise these words as they are commonly spelt incorrectly meaning that we may find them a little bit trickier to remember. How many can you already spell?

Please have a look at the documents below so you know exactly what we will be learning this term.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask - I am always happy to help! 

Miss Warburton

Year 2 Blog

We are authors!

year2 teacher (K.Warburton) on: Year 2 Blog

Wow, wow, wow!!  What an inspiring and enjoyable morning Year Two and Year Three had this morning with the awesome author, Rachel Morrisroe. We learnt all about the character Super Sausage and how Rachel writes stories that contain a MAGNIFICENT middle and a FABULOUS finish! The children enjoyed illustrating Super Sausage and adding their own super powers. The children really enjoyed talking to Rachel and sharing in the love of animal stories and reading too. As Rachel told us, we are all authors - you just need a sprinkle of imagination!

Spring has definitely sprung!

year2 teacher (K.Warburton) on: Year 2 Blog

This week, Reception had a very special delivery and were given something very precious to take care of! Year 2 had the opportunity to look at the chicks, thinking about their survival needs and how we can best take care of them. The chicks were very cute indeed!

Exploring micro habitats

year2 teacher (K.Warburton) on: Year 2 Blog

Year 2 have been exploring micro habitats as part of our ‘Animal Survival’ topic in Science. This afternoon, we went into forest school to identify the micro habitats within the woodland area, looking under stones and logs. We spotted lots of invertebrates including millipedes, woodlice and slugs. The children also identified some fungi which had grown within these small habitats.

Wonderful Tuesday!

year2 teacher (K.Warburton) on: Year 2 Blog

Thank you to all the parents who came to join in with our learning on Tuesday afternoon! In history, we have been learning all about monarchs, including their roles, rules of the past and present, and the qualities of a good king or queen. With the help of our grown ups, we compared royal portraits, including those of King Henry VIII and Queen Elizabeth II. Children created their own 'Who am I?' clues to test their peers to see if they could guess which portrait was being described. We learned that the main features of a royal portrait are the monarch's pose, facial expression, clothing and objects. We love being inquisitive historians!

We are musicians!

year2 teacher (K.Warburton) on: Year 2 Blog


Digital Music is our focus in Computing this half term. Today, we explored clapping and playing improvised rhythms on instruments, using call and response to support our learning. The children then used the Chrome Music Lab website to create rhythms digitally. Chrome Music Lab can be accessed on any device and is free to use so it would be great fun to use at home too! You composed some brilliant rhythms Year 2!