Year 2
Teacher: Miss Warburton
Teaching Assistants: Mrs Riley & Mrs Lowe
Our Gospel Value is: Thankfulness
Pupil Leaders
Our School Councillors: Ruby and Bentley
Our Eco Warriors: Hallie and Sofia
Our SHINE Councillors: Sathvika and Khadija
Our link Governor: Simon Nield
Helpful Information:
Reading books will be changed on a Friday
Reading records are needed in school every day
Library book changing day is Friday
PE days are Tuesday and Friday - come in PE kits ready for these lessons. Please note that jewellery and accessories (e.g. watches, hair bows) must not be worn on a PE day due to safety reasons.
Spelling test weekly on Friday
Homework is given out every Friday to be completed and returned by the following Thursday
Log-ons for Times Tables Rock Stars, Numbots and Nessy are on the front of your child's reading record
Healthy snacks - if your child does not have morning toast, they may bring in a healthy snack
Water bottles - children will need a water bottle in school each day. This must contain water - no juice or flavoured water. Please make sure water bottles are clearly named and are returned daily after washing.
Looking ahead:
- On Tuesday 28th January, Year 2 will be going on a trip to the RNLI Station in St Annes. We will be learning all about what this amazing charity does and we will also be exploring part of our coastline.
Spring Term message from Miss Warburton:
Welcome back after the Christmas holidays! I hope you had a wonderful, peaceful Christmas. Spring Term is a lovely time of year when the birds begin to chirp and the flowers begin to blossom. This term, we will be very busy doing lots of new learning. Our main learning theme will be 'Coastline' with a focus on Geography learning. We will be exploring the physical and human features of our coastal town and we will be visiting the RNLI Station to learn all about their job on the coastline. I wonder if you know how we can stay safe on the beach…
Throughout our Maths learning journey in Year 2, it is important that we become confident with the times tables. We are working on practising times tables by chanting "One 2 is 2, two 2s are 4, three 2s are 6" and so on... Times Table Rockstars is a great way to practise your times tables and this can be done on any device at home. Our focuses in Maths for this term will be Money and Multiplication and Division. You also have a log-in for Numbots now (this is the same log-in as TTRs). This can be accessed on any device and will support you with number facts. Certificates are awarded every Friday to those children who are trying really hard on TTRs and Numbots so it would be great if you could have a go on these at home!
I have put a link to the Year 1 and Year 2 Common Exception Words below. These are words that most children are expected to be able to spell by the end of Year 2. It is important that we practise spelling these words, as they are commonly spelt incorrectly meaning that we may find them a little bit trickier to remember.
Our Spring Term Learning Letter and knowledge organisers are also linked below. These detail everything we are going to be learning about this term. Please take a look so you know exactly what we will be exploring.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask - I am always happy to help! I can't wait for another exciting term together Year 2!
Thank you for your continued support,
Miss Warburton
Useful Documents for Year 2
Year 2 Curriculum Learning Overview
Year 1 and Year 2 Common Exception Words
50 Recommended Reads for 6-7 year olds
Year 2 'Meet the Teacher' information
Spring Term Documents
Weekly Spellings Overview for Spring 1
Autumn Term Documents
Year 2 Blog
Awesome RNLI!
year2 teacher (K.Warburton) on: Year 2 Blog
Year 2 visited the St Annes RNLI Station this afternoon to learn all about the amazing job the volunteers do. We found out so many interesting facts! Did you know, the current lifeboat was built in 2018 and is 13 metres long? The crew do an amazing job at saving the lives of so many people out at sea, and it takes 170 of them to run the station in St Annes. We also learned about how to keep safe on the beach, hazards to look out for and how to call for help if you are in trouble out at sea. It is always best to go to the beach with a group of people and to stay together to keep each other safe. As we walked back to school, we spotted lots of human and physical features, like the Beach Huts and the sand dunes. Year 2 represented St Thomas' brilliantly - what a chilly but wonderful afternoon we had!
Homophone Hunt!
year2 teacher (K.Warburton) on: Year 2 Blog
We have been hunting for homophones this week in English! Linked to our new book, 'The Bear Under the Stairs', we have been identifying words that have two spellings with two different meanings. The children found words like 'bear', 'night', 'mail' and 'there'. Great work!
Nurse Visit
year2 teacher (K.Warburton) on: Year 2 Blog
Last week, we had a visit from the school nursing team as part of our Science topic, 'Human Survival'. The nurses spoke to us about personal hygiene and what we can do to keep our bodies clean. After washing our hands thoroughly, we used a blue light machine to detect any sneaky germs left on our hands! We learned that, although we can't see germs with our eyes, they are still there so it is very important to wash our hands, bodies and hair thoroughly so that we are healthy and clean.
year2 teacher (K.Warburton) on: Year 2 Blog
We have been learning how to chop, slice, grate and peel in Design Technology. On Monday, we made our very own fruit kebabs and cooked some delicious eggy bread! We carefully followed a recipe and of course ate our yummy creations at the end. Great work Year 2!
Stop, Drop, Roll!
year2 teacher (K.Warburton) on: Year 2 Blog
On Tuesday, we enjoyed a visit from the St Annes Fire Service who taught us all about fire safety. We learned that every household should have a 'Fire Plan' and we practised the 'Stop, Drop, Roll' technique. Some children even got to try on a firefighter’s uniform! The firemen showed us how to perform the 'fireman's dance' - this is how fire fighters enter and assess a building if it is on fire. Thank you again to the firefighters from St Annes Fire Station for a great, valuable afternoon.