Teacher: Mr Swift
Teaching Assistant: Mrs Fox
Our Gospel Value is: Self-control
Pupil Leaders:
Our School Councillors: Anya and Sam
Our Eco Warriors: Emilia and Abraham
Our SHINE Councillors: Zach and Millie
Our link Governor is: Simon Nield
Helpful Information:
- Reading books will be changed on Friday.
- Reading records (and spellings) are needed in school every day.
- Library book changing day is Thursday.
- PE days are Monday and Friday - come in PE kits ready for these lessons.
- Spelling test & Maths test weekly on Friday.
- Log-ons for all learning platforms are in the front of your child's reading diary.
- Musical instruments - bring in for lessons and take home after lessons. These will take place on Monday each week.
- Healthy snacks - if your child does not have morning toast, they may bring in a healthy snack.
- Water bottles - children will need a water bottle in school each day. This must contain water - no juice or flavoured water. Please return these daily after washing.
Looking ahead:
- Cenotaph Visit Monday 11th November.
- Mr Worrell Visiting Year 6 for a World War 2 Afternoon on Thursday 21st November
- Imperial War Museum Visit Monday 2nd December.
- We will be in Forest School in the Summer Term.
Autumn Term message from Mr Swift:
Welcome to the new year everyone! I hope you have had a wonderful summer break and are ready to start Year 6.
Routines and expectations are being embedded throughout the early part of this half-term and the children have demonstrated that they are ready to learn and make progress this year.
This half term is as busy as ever! Our topic for this term is 'Britain at War' and the children will have the opportunity to explore the role Britain played in both World Wars, as well as the significant impact these events had upon our world today. To supplement this, we will go on a class trip where children can take part in an interactive experience and learn from experts. We will also be on our Year 6 Residential to Borwick Hall and taking part in all sorts of wonderful activities, whilst building our resilience, teamwork and communication skills.
Please follow the links below for more guidance on this term.
If you need any help or have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Mr Swift
Spring Term message from Mr Swift:
Welcome back everyone and I hope you have had a wonderful start to 2025! This term we are as busy as ever in Year 6 with lots of new and exciting learning across the whole curriculum. Our main learning will be centred around 'Frozen Kingdoms' and will be a Geography based topic, with history links later in the unit. We will work with local groups to ensure that the children see the impact of tourism in their locality and aim to visit the beach to complete some environmental art work using scavenged materials. In addition to this will be visiting St Thomas' Church as part of our learning in RE and the Church's link to Eucharist.
Please find below the list of useful documents to support your child in their learning this term. Thank you for all your support and hard work and we hope to have another busy and successful term ahead.
If you have any questions, please feel free to ask!
Mr Swift
Useful Documents:
Year 6 English Overview
Common Exception Words Year 5/6
Spring Term Documents:
Spring Term Knowledge Organiser- Frozen Kingdoms
Spring Term Knowledge Organiser- Evolution and Inheritance
Autumn Term Documents:
Autumn Term Knowledge Organiser- Britain at War
Autumn Term Knowledge Organiser- Circulatory System
Autumn Term Knowledge Organiser- Electrical Circuits
Mr Worrell Visit
Posted: Dec 5, 2024 by: year6 teacher (R.Swift) on: Year 6 Blog
The children were treated to a visit from the wonderful Mr Worrell who brings with him a wealth of knowledge on The Second World War, as well as some genuine artefacts for us to enjoy. What a brilliant day!